"Espresso Production System" by Franco and Mauro Bazzara



The title of “Espresso Production System” is intended to describe the journey of coffee from plant to cup.

The book was designed as a helpful training tool - embracing the main topics in the coffee world - for coffee lovers and industry professionals alike such as coffee bean roasters, green coffee wholesalers and baristas.
 Due to the thoroughness of the topics, the quantity of images and unique graphics content, it has also become an important text for those first approaching the sector.

The bilingual Italian-English version (together with translations into Russian and German which followed) have brought this title to foreign audiences making it a true publishing success in the professional sector. The fifth edition was published in 2010.

The book is divided into 4 chapters:

The coffee plant, the secrets behind the harvesting and processing of the fruits
The long journey of green coffee in jute bags, the properties of the bean and the experts who assess them
the roasting know-how and metamorphosis of the coffee bean
The Italian technology behind the espresso coffee and the golden rules for a perfect cup

The Authors

The brothers Franco and Mauro Bazzara are founding members of the Speciality Coffee Association of Europe and promoters of the coffee-related initiative TriestEspresso Expo, the only trade show in the world that focuses on espresso. They are also board members of some important long-standing associations in the sector such as the Associazione Caffè Trieste and Gruppo Triveneto Torrefattori.




(…) I must say that what I was told about these books was not exact: they are not just "quite good", they are incredible! Extremely clear and very detailed, they allow the reader to enter the fascinating world of coffee.
Like every coffee roaster I have an entire library of coffee books, but I must say that "The coffee tasting" and "The espresso coffee production system" are comprehensive.
Therefore, after having read both repeatedly, I decided to send my employees to a course with the Bazzara brothers. As I expected, they came back even more in love with our Italian coffee".

 Gaetano Pelliccia, Caffè Nero (UK)


Product information

Softback        (20.9 x 21.2 x 1.4cm)
Size:              192 pages
Editor:           Bazzara Srl (Italy), 2008
                     (formerly known as Planet Coffee Srl)
Languages:   Italian / English
Facebook:     http://www.bazzara.it/en/coffeebooks

Weight: 0.85 kg